Sunday, September 12, 2010

The Mystery of the Third Lucretia

So I’ve been trying to get caught up on all of the wonderful books that publicists have been sending me, in addition to staying caught up with my favorite authors. I thought I’d post a couple of reviews for what I’ve finished within the last month or so.

First up, The Mystery of the Third Lucretia, by Susan Runholt.
The Mystery of the Third Lucretia (Kari + Lucas Mystery)

This book was released in paperback last year, and I just got to reading it. I wish I would’ve read it sooner, it was fun! Now, I will let you know that it’s geared for girls aged 10-14. I am obviously beyond that range, but I still enjoyed it. 

The book’s main characters, Kari & Lucas, are thrown into an international art mystery.  It started at the Minneapolis Institute of Art where a crabby man tells them to ‘Go Away’. Later they’re in London where a man that looks different tells someone to ‘Go Away’ in the same voice. The girls recognize it and start searching for clues. They use their mad skills-artistic and know-how to solve the mystery of the Gallery Guy. I don’t want to give away too many details. Everything in the book ties itself together. It was great! (And, if you are wondering, Lucretia was the subject of two paintings by Rembrandt. For more information you'll just have to read the book!)

I really liked this book, and it reminded me a lot of the Nancy Drew books I read when I was a kid. The only difference is that it’s modern. She talks of the internet and texting and IMs. Nothing like that was in the Nancy Drew books, that’s for sure. If you’re looking for a mystery that will hook a young lady, I highly recommend this book. Thanks to Casi Promotions for sending me this book to review.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Admit One: My life in film

Summary: Set in Croydon, South London, in the 1980s, Admit One details how self-deprecating writer Emmett James escaped from the pains of adolescence by going to the cinema. Through wry wit and observation, the writer reflects, obsesses, and rages about film and its correlation to our pasts. Life soon imitates art, and the narrator finds that his true calling is in transcendence from one side of the screen to the other. He decides to leave England for the only place where he can realize his dream of becoming an actor--Hollywood.
We follow the narrator on his numerous adventures: as he jumps from forgery to pornography to crashing the Academy Awards under the alias of a nominated writer. All the while, the films that inspired each tale contextualize this humorous collection of stories. The narrator ultimately provides a unique insight into the fascinating industry of film, eventually himself stumbling into the biggest box-office grossing film of all time. synopsis

It's been a few weeks since I've actually finished this book, so bear with me. I had a review written up, but it just so happens that for some reason it didn't save. I wrote it on my phone. Turns out the phone wasn't as smart as it claims to be. Anyway, I digress.

I found this book to be very interesting. Mr. James used different movies at the beginning of each chapter, and then he'd go on and say how his life related to that movie. I haven't seen all of the movies that he listed, but it didn't really matter. I enjoyed the fact that we shared something in common. We both have degrees in advertising and have no intentions of working in the field. :) We both have also dabbled in photo manipulation, although I can't say that I've had anything published. I found the chapter on his life as an actor in Titanic very fun. I can only imagine what it was like to hope that you weren't being called in each day so that you could continue to enjoy the atmosphere. I really wish I could say that I remember him in the movie, but unfortunately I don't. (Unlike all of my friends, I wasn't in love with the movie, and seeing it once was enough. This is obviously no reflection on Mr. James!) I never realized how much attention to detail went into the making of the movie. It's quite amazing to think that all of that detail went into the scenery to make it authentic!

I really did enjoy reading this book, and recommend it to movie buffs everywhere!

A special thanks to Lisa Roe, the Online Publicist, for allowing me to review this book!
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Saturday, January 16, 2010


Where has the time gone?! It's so crazy how life can be going fairly smoothly, then BAM you hit a giant car sized pothole! I do apologize for the lack of updating my blog. To the publishers/publicists who have sent me books to read and review, fear not. I have read the majority of the books you've sent, and I have passed along my reviews (oral, not written) to many a person who will listen. It was not my intention of doing so, but I have found that it has worked and influenced my friends to read what I've recommended. I am slowly returning to a 'normal' schedule of life (for now, who knows how long that will last), and I am hoping to return to submitting my reviews on a fairly regular basis. Please accept my deepest apologies and know that I am working on correcting the situation.